Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Tuesday friends. I hope you all are well. We are fighting some illness over here. Me with bronchitis and sinus infection, and Greg an ear infection and some chest congestion. Hopefully the antibiotics are gonna kick in soon so we're not sick over Christmas!

We both saw the doc today. He asked her some questions about disability, and she told him he more than qualifies. I've know for a while that he should file. I mean, I live with the guy. I know how he is in incredible pain from his compression fracture (fell off a ladder onto concrete) and disk disease. And that's only his back. His knee is shot and only being held together by a brace, and his shoulder is a mess from falling off the truck (onto his shoulder) a few years ago. And that doesn't even include the severe arthritis head to toe. I hate that he has to work so hard to make up for me not being able to work. :(  Yes, I get SSDI, but it's not much, and I don't need to tell any of you how hard it is to live on one income. Anyway, I'm hoping after the holidays, he will file for disability. At least temp SSDI will cover him for the time needed to have surgery and recovery time!

As for me, I now have a Tens Unit, and it is helping my neck & mid back quite a bit and I've only had it on for a couple of hours. So I think if this keeps my pain level down, I will hold off on the facet injections in my neck and back. Not a nice thing to go through. I have also had the nerves burned as well. I think I'll pass on all that again thank you very much. And as much as I hate to say it, I have agreed to a motorized wheelchair. Getting around is getting harder and harder, and falling down is NOT a good thing. I seem to be getting tired alot faster, and my legs just don't want to do what they're supposed to. I thought it was tough when I gave up driving. Using a wheelchair is worse. And while I can stand long enough to cook dinner, or do a few simple chores, I cannot walk through the grocery store, or go to the mailbox anymore. Last time I did that, I fell in the driveway. :(
But Chris and I talked about it, and he said, "Mom, at least if you use the chair, you can save your energy for other things. What a wise son I have. And I felt better about it after talking to Chris and Greg. Next month a gal from Humana is coming to see me about the chair and to see what need to be done to make the house wheelchair accessible.

Our doc also had alot to say to me about getting my buisness going. Lots of you know me from either Splitcoast Stampers, or Wrapcandy. But you don't know my first love is floral work. Last year I gave doc one of my pine cone trees as a Christmas gift. This year she asked me to design trees for her entire staff and to make some decorations for her office. I designed a 12 foot garland for over her receptionist's desk and a wreath for each door as well as a 4 foot tall tree. She wants me to design more for each season! She said she has had so many compliments on them- even the big shots from the main office loved them and they have 15 clinics. She wants to set me up to do work for all the offices and is also setting me up with a country club. Wouldn't that be wonderful?? I told Greg there is our new buisness. No more busting his butt taking down trees! Yay!
So, I will get busy after Christmas working on the garland, wreath, and tree bases, then I only have to customise them.

Moving on.....
We did our annual cookie tray deliveries this morning. We aways bring some to the police and sherrif's office, and then to our friends. I have been baking like a mad woman for the last week, and I am worn out. We cut back quite a bit this year. It just isn't in our budget, and my worn out body can't do two weeks worth of baking and candy making marathons anymore. But I love baking, so I won't give it up. My mom was from Germany and I have fond memories of baking for Christmas. I even make home made marzipan. So, even though we fibromites are told over and over to not over do- I am the queen of over-doing it. I can't help it. It's like I want to show my body who's boss or something. Needless to say, it doesn't work well for me. My body always proves IT is boss, and then pays me back with a flare. Ah well. Tis the season!
 Enjoy the day!
 Love and gentle hugs, Marlene

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Catch Up

Hello everyone. I hope this day finds you feeling well and happily getting ready for the holiday season. And yes, I said holiday season. I too, am sick to death of government and other idiots trying to take Christ out of CHRISTmas. But I do have friends that are Jewish, and others that don't celebrate Christmas, so to include them all, I said holidays, so please don't flood my in-box. ;)

I have a few things to fill you in on, the is first BIG news. Greg and I got married last month. Yes, I know, we took a long time to get there! (8 years!)We were planning for december, but after Brayden's death we decided at the last minute to just to have a simple and quiet thing with just the two of us and get married by a minister. So the minister came to our home and married us in a quiet little ceremony that seemed fitting to us. Ron has known Greg for many years and he was happy to marry us. We picked 11-11-11 as our wedding date kind of as a joke as whenever we look at the clock to see what time it is it is always a pattern of numbers like 11:11 or 5:55. It's only been happening here at the new house, and kind of wierd as it happens to both of us, and it's kind of joke between us. Little did we know that thousands of people picked that day as a symbol of good luck. We found that out later on.
Anyway, Greg is my soul mate and I am honored to be his wife. I am a very lucky woman.

Now to other things. I have been asked by several of my fibrofriends  and Go Red Gals to use my blog to share how I cope with my chronic illness. I have tossed this around for a while, as at the present time, my coping skills are pretty much non-exsistent to be truthful. And I have prayed about it alot. I asked how on earth my struggles with illness can be a blessing to someone else. And my answer came today after a visit to my doctors office. So many of you are new to this. Maybe you have a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. who clearly doesn't get it. Maybe YOU don't get it. I have walked in your shoes for a buzzillion miles. And will walk in them for a buzzillion more. And if what I have learned (and still am learning)  can help you even one little bit, then that is my calling.

So to start out, let me share this link for those of you with Fibromyalgia, (FM), Chronic Fatigue Immune Difficiency Syndrome (CFIDS) and other chronic pain. This is a web site is a MUST HAVE in your plan for understanding your illness and to be on the road to feeling better.
If you are recently diagnosed, or have never visited this site, go there NOW. I regularly print stuff off of this site to share with my team of docs. Never think your docs know all there is to know about you illness. They don't. And if they get upset with you bringing in info to share, then you need to find yourself another doc.

This is my first post about this subject (well sort of) but in the coming weeks, I will include some of my story, and how and when I was diagnosed, and what I do to stay sane on a day-to-day basis. I will also include links, books, etc that I find helpful. And please do post comments and share your thoughts and links as well. Maybe we all can make some kind of sense of this FM/ CFIDS thing. And for my friends and family, I hope you'll tune in as well. Maybe it will give you a little bit more insight to understand what this chronic illness does to us and that it isn't in "MY" head.

Several of you have messaged me and asked how I am coping with the loss of our precious Brayden. I'm sorry I haven't given you an answer on that. But, it's because I can honestly say, I am not coping. I am not coping at all. I found the easiest way to deal with it is not to deal with it at all. It is far too painful. And that is the most stupid thing a person with my health (or lack of) can do. Believe me, I know that. But right now, at this time, I cannot do it. Because I promise you, I will fall apart in a million pieces and I don't know if I have the strength so I can put it together again. It's still too raw, and complicated by other family issues. So, that is my answer. For now.
I ask that if you are so inclined, to please keep my family & I in your prayers.

I am thankful Tiffany and Chris have given me something else to think about. They have set their wedding date for May 2012, so we have been doing a bit of planning and crafting and rummaging around in my messy craft room trying to find things we can use. Good and joyful times. :)

I did manage to get our Christmas tree up. And that's as far as I got. No outside stuff, no new floral work, garlands, etc. Just didn't have it in me. Sent it all back to the garage. I am tired my friends. A kind of tired I have never felt before. It has been a really hard few months and it has taken it's toll on me. But I know I don't need a million decorations up to give glory to the Lord. It is in my heart every single day.

And with that, I am going to stop for today. I will write again in a day or so. I will be keeping up with this better since I have made a promise to you! Until then, take care of yourselves! Love and gentle hugs, Marlene

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Our little Brayden is resting in our Lord's arms.

And I know this in my heart. What a blessing Brayden has been to us. Still, my heart is broken. And I wonder, why with all my health issues, am I out-living my grandson. It doesn't seem fair at all. But my faith is strong, and I know the Lord only meant us to have him for just this short while. And I am comforted in knowing he was not in pain, and did not suffer. With his breathing difficulty, his little heart gave out. If you recall, He had open heart surgery and had two valves replaced, so I knew this would be an issue in the future.

His poor body just couldn't fight anymore. And I knew in my brain that the prognosis was not a good one for him to live a long healthy life, because of his chromosome disorder (charge syndrome) but it was my heart that couldn't accept that.  He is still my little angel, but now he has his wings. I was able to hold him for a long while and say goodbye. I traced my fingers along his face to memorize his features. And I cried. And I hugged and kissed him and told him to say hi to his great oma and opa (my parents) for me. And I told him that one day his Oma (me) will be there to hold him once again. And I prayed that the Lord will hold him for me until I can do it again.

Please pray for Joey. He is devastated. He was such a great dad. He loved his little man more than life itself. He was always taking care of Brayden. Always. Their home-care nurses always told me what a fantastic dad he is.

Tomorrow they will make the funeral arrangements. I worry how they'll pay for all the medical and funeral costs. And I think I will try to raise some money for them. I will get a large set of my candy wrapper sets I designed and offer them up for a donation. All money raised will go to paying medical and funeral costs. I will post more info tomorrow.

Please keep our family in your prayers.   XOXOXOXOX

Saturday, October 8, 2011

New Addition to Our Fur Baby Family

His name is Bo and he is a Welsh Pembroke Corgi. He's a cutie, but a handful right now. He was an outside dog that spent his life in a small fenced kennel all by himself. Not a nice thing to do to a dog of his breed. They need to have room to run. After all, he was bred to be a herding dog! But the owner used  him to make money, and that's what a dog breeder does I suppose. But, I have always loved Corgis, and Greg knew I would love to own one. We have another dog as well, and Buddy is half corgi half rat terrier. So far, they are tolerating each other.The cats are tolerating him as well, however, he is not tolerating them very well. But, if he wants to be part of this household, he's gonna have to get over that. After all, the cats allow us to share their home. And if you are a cat parent, you know what I'm talking about.

So, we have had to step back the training a bit. Have to think of him as a puppy since he does not know how to behave indoors, and how to behave around other animals aside from the one he is breeding with. So I imagine another male dog AND 5 cats were alot to take in for him. So, we will do baby steps.

Greg called our vet and asked him if he knew of someone who might like Bo, as he is worried I might get hurt if I have to break up a fight or something, and he's worried about the kitties, but, I have thought about it and I really think we need to give him a chance. All of our other rescues came around, and the ones that didn't get along with our furbabies, we were able to find a home for with the help of our vet. So we'll see how it goes. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!  XOXOXOX

Friday, September 30, 2011

Sorry for the major vent yesterday.

Wow. That was quite the post, huh? That is why when I am feeling at my worst I stay away from writing. ;)  But I did feel much better afterwards, hehehe. ;)

This morning I went to see Diana, my primary care nurse practitioner. And we had a long discussion. About my falling down twice in one day and breaking the fall with my forehead, about my knee surgeries, etc. And here is what we have decided. I am to resume the lymph edema treatment, but this time it is with the goal of easing the pain and swelling in my legs, and not the goal of the surgeries. We have agreed that the surgery will most likely kill me. And so, that goal for the knee replacements is over with. And in a way, I feel relieved as the idea of having such a major surgery after the fiasco last year just scared me to death.

 Diana said to me " Marlene, one of the things you will have to come to grips with is the fact that you are a beautiful, wonderful person, and you still have alot to offer to people. Your legs are not Marlene. They are a component of Marlene, but not all of you. And there is so much of you to offer to your friends and family and it doesn't matter if your legs work or not." She said alot more and I fought tears and couldn't even look at Greg, cause I knew I'd lose it for sure. I understand what she is saying. Really I do. But I still struggle every day with my growing list of limitations. It's really hard to swallow and she knows that I have fought hard and long with my circulation issues and the arthritis. Being in a wheelchair just doesn't make me happy. But it will help my pain level and keep me from falling and cracking my skull! So, I promised Diana I will work on that. What a wonderful friend she is.

As she walked Greg and I out, she told me her new office doesn't have any CHRISTmas decor for this year. The doc that left the practice took it all. (Last year for CHRISTmas I gave her and the other gals in the office one of my pine cone trees, so she knows I do floral stuff) So I said, that I can do! So in a few days when the pain from the falls has eased a bit, I will work on a few trees, garlands, and swags for the office. It will feel good to get designing again. And I know very well that she did that on purpose to get my mind off our conversation about the surgery.

And so my fibrofriends and fellow chronic babes, I say to you- your illness is not who you are either. It is a part of you, but not all of you. You too have lots to offer the world. We all need to work on that. Let's do it together, shall we?  Love and gentle hugs.   M

Thursday, September 29, 2011

How do you cope???

This question goes out to all my fibrofriends and other chronic babes. How do you cope when people don't get it? How do you cope when people don't understand that lots of days your pain is so bad that just moving to pick something up makes you want to cry???? Or getting in and out of a car a few times when you are in a flare is enough to put you in bed for 2 or 3 days???  And how do you get people to understand that when you have to say no to going to see your grandson, or for dinner, or shopping, or a party, it's because you are in pain and haven't slept for nearly a week, and not because you are making excuses??? And when and if they have told you that you are making excuses to get out of doing things, how did you handle it?

I know it's not nice to wish illness on anyone, but there are alot of days when I wish sometimes people who act like this could walk in my shoes for a month or two. Perhaps then, they would understand how hard it is to say no. That we cry when we can't see family and friends when we are invited. That we would like nothing more than to spend time doing fun things like we used to. I've been told that I have changed over the years. That's what chronic illness does. It changes us. We no longer can jump in a car for a quick shopping trip or visit. We have to conserve energy so that we can make a meal, or take a shower or do the dishes. We have to say no when we want to say yes. We can't be all about our grown children or spouses or girlfriends anymore. We can no longer take care of everyone else anymore, because we have to take care of ourselves. It has to be all about ourselves when we are chronically ill. We have to make sure that what we do doesn't make us more sick than we already are. We have to walk away from the bullshit that drains every drop of joy from us. If we don't, it consumes us. And then comes the flare! I always think a flare cannot get worse than the current one, but they do. Sometimes the pain is so intense that my words get slurred and I can't think straight. Some days I am so weak that I can hardly carry a cup of coffee let alone hold on to a 20+ pound baby. The last time I did, it was so hard I stiffened my arms to hold him as I was afraid to loosen my grip-and that- only that-holding my grandson put me in a worse flare because of what I had to do to my muscles to hold him. And I cried for days because I am so weak, I am afraid to hold him. Again, I ask you, how do YOU cope.

How do you cope when the doctors give you a choice of knee surgeries or wheelchair, but you can't have the surgery because the cardiologist didn't clear you, and neither will the other doctor because the lymph-edema in your legs has reached new highs- or when they say you need spine surgery because of the scoliosis and the ruptured/torn disks, but you are scared to death, so you suffer with the back pain and sleep in the chair many nights? How do you cope knowing you need these procedures done, and then your hiatal hernia is now so bad that your esophagus isn't closing and stomach acid is burning your throat and mouth and now you need surgery for that too? How do you cope with not being able to do things around the house without the fear of falling down and injuring yourself again? (yesterday I fell twice. Once because of knee, once I passed out and hit my head on the table leg- Greg was home) How do you all cope when you have this much on your plate, and people don't get it?

I really need some advice here. Really. I know I am not alone, as I have read many articles on some of the forums I am members of. But I would like advice from my friends that know and understand what it's like to be chronically ill. Tell me how you cope with all of this. Or, even if you are not ill, but understand the ones that are.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

1st Treatment today!

Well, today was the 1st lymphedema treatment for both my legs. It feels very much like a Tens Unit does, but in a bigger scale. I have to go for 1 hour, 3 days a week for the next 9 weeks. Please please say a prayer for me that it helps get the fluid out of my legs. If it doesn't, the orthopedic doc will not do my knee replacements.

I am at a critical state as my knee on the right side keeps giving out causing me to fall. And with my osteoporsis, that is NOT a god thing. I fell a few days ago and hurt my right shoulder again. This is the same shoulder I had surgery on a few years ago and have a screw in. I see the orthopedic doc next week to see how bad I screwed it up. The really bad part is, now that my shoulder is in such bad shape, I cannot use my cane. UGH!!! 

This morning I had a really hard time in the shower and being stable I told Greg it's time to get a shower / tub seat. So my doc writes the prescription, and we go to the med supply store only to find out my insurance won't pay for it and it's $120.00 for the one to fit my tub. Their reason is a tub/shower seat is not considered medical equipment. But they will pay thousands of $$$ for an emergency room visit when I fall in the shower again like I did in december. Doesn't make much sense really. I also saw a walker at the med supply store that I thought would be better for me. It's the kind with a seat, so when I get tired or dizzy I can sit down. And the insurance will pay for the expensive walker. Go figure, they feel it's important for me to be mobile, but not important for me to take care of daily hygene. Something wrong with that picture!

But, I guess I really shouldn't complain as Humana has been very good to me over the past few years. And aside from a very expensive arthritis drug, this is the only other thing they wouldn't pay for. So if you are on medicare and looking into a medicare replacement policy I really suggest you look into Humana. I pay a bit extra each month for the policy I have, but it's worth every dime. ( I have the Humana Choice PPO policy)

I also got fitted for ankle braces today. With my knees being so unstable my ankles are giving me trouble. They cast my feet and ankles, and the braces will be specially made for me. They will be made out of leather and will be able to fit in my shoes, so since I live in pants/jeans, no one will be able to see them. I like that! :)

The arthritis is starting to deform my feet as well, and doc said I will probably have to look into specially made shoes. She gave me a catalog and I was shocked! They are really nice-normal looking shoes! But hopefully I can wait a while with those....

So I bored you enough with my med update, so I'll sign off for now. Wanna bake some brownies to take to doc's office tomorrow. Have a great day, and stay cool! ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Happy Monday everyone!

I was struggling about a phone call I knew I needed to make today. It is the one year anniversary of our dear friend Mary's death, and I needed to call George (her husband) and check on him and see how he is. He puts on a good front most days, but I knew today would be tough for him. Greg talks to him often, but I don't see him much. I was dreading the call. Mary was so good to me and treated me like a daughter. And Papa George is family to us. So instead of stressing I just made the call. And I am so glad I did. We had a long conversation and he is doing better than I expected today. He spoke alot about Greg as they have known each other for a long time. Over 20 years. And Papa George is thrilled that we are getting married. He has promised he will come for dinner and visit our kitties (they adore him), and I look forward to that.

Greg just arrived home. Strange for him to come at lunch time. He has shut down for today, and sent his help home. The cedar mill is closed because of the heat, so Greg will not be taking a load to the mill tomorrow as planned. It is 100 degrees now at 12:10 pm and heat index is 108. Way too hot to be working outside and wrestling with trees and logs. He is exhausted and over-heated, and I'm so thrilled he has come home early and not pushed himself as he is known to do.

He brought home a yummy surprise for me. 12 bottles of DaVinci Syrups. If you love coffee, you know DaVinci. Coffee shops put these syrups in the coffee to flavor them. Now, I have seen the small bottle for sale at close to 9.00 each. These are the 25 oz bottles. And he bought them for 3.54 each. We have a salvage grocery store here in town and we love it. They get stuff that is a little outdated, or maybe a few cans in the case were dented so the whole case gets marked down really low. Many things are imported stuff from Europe, and I love that. But you have to stock up when they have it as they rarely get the same thing in twice. Anyway, a couple weeks ago they had Irish Cream and English Toffee and I picked up those. Then they had blackberry, mango, orange, strawberry, and cinnamon. I tried some of the blackberry in my iced tea and wow it was yummy. So, Greg bought all they had. Then I tried some mango and it was yummy in my tea as well. So, Greg bought 9 bottles (all that they had left) of the mango one cinnamon, one strawberry syrup and one orange to try. I was thinking combining the strawberry and the mango together would be yummy in iced tea. But strawberry added to hot chocolate or even cinnamon added to hot chocolate would be awesome. Adding the strawberry may remind me of chocolate covered strawberries. Mmmmmmmmm.
Would like to try them in baking or in my candy making as well. I will let you know how my experiments turn out. ;0)

My sweetie spoils me, doesn't he? So, I have lots of yummy syrups for coffee or tea for my friends and family when they visit. :)  The tea is brewed and chilling, and the coffee pot is on, so c'mon over!

I have been busy working on Christmas projects that will go up on Etsy and Artfire soon. I have gravitated back to floral/natural designing which is my first love. I am still designing craft printables, but I have lost interest at the moment. I HATE loading the files to my website as it is quite the project to get my mind around when fibrofog is telling me yeah right! You want to do what???? I like the designing part. I HATE
the website stuff. I have a website for the floral stuff as well, but what a pain in the ass that is too. I'm thinking I need to look into a different program aside from Zencart. But until then, I will be using other ways to sell (hopefully) my wares. I'll be posting photos soon. Let me know what you think please! Now I have got to get my but in my craft room and get some stuff done. Have a happy day!  Love and xoxoxoxo   M

Friday, July 8, 2011

Woo hoo! It's friday!!

How can you not be happy when it's friday? I love fridays. Always have. When I was a working girl (NOT that kind!) friday reminded me that the week was about done. When I was a stay at home mom, I looked forward to my sons being home for the weekend. And now, it means Greg will be home a bit on the weekend. I look forward to every moment we spend together. He is truely the love of my life. I know you are probably tired of hearing about it, but I never tire of speaking about it.

A friend of mine lost the love of her life last week. It was unexpected and sudden and she is devastated. She told me she always told him she loved him and they spent every minute they could together. And I found myself questioning why the good ones always go. Another friend lost her love a few years back as well. They were only married a short time before he passed away. But he was the love of her life as well. Again, I asked why do the good ones get taken away??  Pretty stupid question really. I mean, why would our Lord want the BAD ones???

When I look at young people today and how they treat their mates it really disturbs me. I see so much selfishness and so little love and caring that I don't understand it at all. Greg and I love each other deeply. And we show it every day. And we say it every day. More than once a day. There is nothing more important to me than to make sure he feels loved. That he knows it. That if I die tomorrow there won't be any doubt that I loved him to the very soul of my being.

There are people we know that are fighting daily. Drama and yelling and nastiness on an hourly basis that tears their family apart. Why? Life is too damn short. One never does a single thing for the other. Always me me me and never the other person. Their partner comes home from work and the other is out the door for some "me time." How can anyone ever be happy like that?? If they want "me time" why have a spouse? Why have children? Don't get me wrong. All couples and parents need some down time. I get that. But not to the extreme where the down time is way more than family time.
And it's not just these people that we know. I see it all over the place. And it's something I can't deal with. It is so simple to have a kind word for another person. To do something nice for another. There have been times where I have actually thought of looking into doing a class or something to teach some of these young women some REAL life skills. Like how to cook. How to budget, How to care for others instead of only themselves. You know, the basic life skills. Where have we gone wrong that our children have to learn earth science and biology and algebra but not how to balance a checkbook? That they have to know how to write a five thousand word essay about something so incredibly useless instead of learning simple home economics? How is it that they think the way to stretch the budget is to bounce a check and pay it later? That being able to party out of town is more important than taking care of bills? This generation is so screwed up. Oh, I know not all young couples are this way. But I have to tell you, I am really glad I am not raising kids anymore. In this rude texting in your face I only care about me world I would never make it.
As you know, I am disabled and can't work so, keeping the house clean, taking care of the household by doing all I can to keep the utilities as low as possible, cooking healthy meals that Greg and I both enjoy (not out of a box thank you), saving as much money on grocery shopping etc, and caring for the animals are all things I do. And do so gladly. It is my "job," and I take pride in it. I can't help but wonder how is it possible that so many young women want to be stay at homes, but do not feel like they need to care for their partners, children, homes, etc???? That they do not take pride in it??? And even though I take care of most of the household stuff, Greg still helps. He doesn't come home and put his feet up with a paper and his coffee and expect to be waited on (like my ex did). If I am not feeling well he cooks. Does laundry. He cleans the cat boxes daily, and whatever else will make my day easier and not increase my pain level.  And when he comes home and is tired and in pain from his back or knee problems, I take care of him and whatever he needs. That's what people do. Well, I thought that .....but some people seem to think that once you have your partner you don't have to do a single thing anymore to keep that love going. WRONG! This is how marriages/relationships end. What ever happened to the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you' way of living? I don't know. Maybe my bad health has made these things so much more important to me. But I have always known you have to bring love into your relationship every single moment. You can't sit back and take your partner or family for granted!  I have a partner (he will be my husband later this year!!!) that loves me and shows it. And tells me as much as I tell him. Well, almost. ;0) I cannot even fathom not doing things for Greg to make him happy and feel loved. It's that important to me. How difficult is it to meet your love at the door with a big kiss when he comes home. Or just call him or her just to say I love you. To put a note in his wallet, car, jacket, etc and say you can't wait til he gets home.  A little love goes a long way. And not just for your partner/spouse. Your kids, siblings, parents, etc. Forget about your "me me me" and try doing something for someone else for a change. It will change your life!

Have a wonderful friday everyone. Love and blessings,  Marlene  OXOXOXOX

Friday, June 24, 2011

I am amazed.....

At the things fibromyalgia teaches me on a daily basis. Like today for instance. I learned that is NOT a good idea to use the blender on a day when fibrofog is present. I also learned that blueberry smoothies are NOT easy to clean off the wall. Counters and cabinets, not too bad. Beige walls- not so much..........

Lots to update, but gotta run for now. Will catch up later.  OXOXOXOXOX

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!!

I hope this day finds you all well and celebrating the dads in your family. My Dad has passed on quite some time ago. I was in my mid twenties when I lost my parents just 18 months apart. And mother's day and father's day are bittersweet for me.

My Dad was a wonderful man, and a good provider for his family. His name was Vojislav Saric and he was born and raised in Yugoslavia, and met my mom (her name was Magdalene) when he was in Germany. He fought against the germans in WWII. He brought his bride to the USA in the 1950s. He was so proud to be here. He worked for Nabisco in Chicago for more than 30 years. He was a quiet man who never raised his voice. He adored his family especially his grandchildren. My son Christopher followed him around like a puppy. He loved to water the garden with his Opa. And sometimes Opa got watered too.

I remember Pop and Chris watching the A-Team and that show where the guy could do anything with a stick and some duct tape-whether it was build a bomb or some other contraption to get him out of a fix. Can't think of the name of the show at the moment. But they loved to watch these two shows together. Lots of memories.  It seems like only yesterday...........OXOXOXOXOX   

Friday, June 17, 2011


Friday ushers in the weekend, and hopefully that means I'll see a bit more of Greg. He's soooooo busy, working on 3 huge jobs plus his wood buisness that he barely has time to breathe. I hate that. I hate that I can't do more to bring income in to take some of the load off  him.......

I hope all of you are well and enjoying some nice summer weather. It's gonna be another hot one today. The weather report said  95 degrees. Thank goodness for air conditioning. I wouldn't make it without it. My body can't regulate temps anymore. I don't sweat, and therefore can't cool down. And in the cold I freeze and can't warm up. So our house is forever an extreme. Really really warm so I don't have pain, or really really cool so I don't over-heat. So my poor sweetie either has to walk around the house half naked in winter, and in the summer has blankets over his head while sleeping.  And he NEVER complains. NEVER. Always is concerned about my comfort. What an amazing man he is. And I never take him for granted. I am so blessed to have his love and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't thank God for bringing him in my life.

We haven't set a wedding date yet. And haven't decided what we'll do yet. Kinda thinking about a small ceremony with a Pastor, and a small reception at the house. Don't want a fancy thing. We've been "married" for almost 8 years, now we're just putting it on paper.  ;)
I've been toying with some designs for some wedding favors. I've been playing with some graphics at nite when I can't sleep. I have every just about every pattern I could possibly ever need and graphics from some of the most talented graphic artists in the whole wide world. And if you don't know Trina Clark and Cheryl Seslar, you need too. Extremely talented ladies......

When I have some designs done, I'll post them here, and you can give me some feedback on what you think. K?

Went to see Diana (advanced nurse practitioner) today. She's not happy that the orthopedic doc did not inject my knees for some pain/swelling relief. But, good news is, her office is now ready and set up to do the lymphedema therapy and I will have my first treatment on july 1st. They will also be doing medical massage therapy as well for FM patients so I am thrilled about that. She was concerned that I don't have feeling in my feet. Poked me with a needle in several areas and I didn't flinch. I'm not a diabetic, but I am told that the numbness is common with FM and CFIDS.

I asked her about a new topical gel out for arthritis called Voltaren. She said it is NOT a option for people with heart problems, so that idea went out the window. I got info about it through the mail from a company that I do surveys for. I did one on arthritis several weeks ago, and they sent me a info packet and a card to give the pharmacy that would allow me to get up to 6 prescriptions of it for free. But, since I can't use it, I'll see if Greg can. He has an appointment to see Diana on july 1st as well. I told him if he wanted me to marry him he had to go to the doctor. Several weeks ago there was a health fair at the fair grounds and the hospital was doing blood screenings and blood pressure checks at no cost. And I begged him to go. His blood pressure was VERY high, and so was his cholesterol. And I worry about him. Doing all that heaving lifting and extreme physical work. Not good when you have really high blood pressure. So Diana will see him and get him on some meds. Greg does not like going to the doctor at all- especially since he doesn't have insurance. So this is a huge thing he's doing. And I am very happy about it. :)

And now it's time to sign off. I promised Greg I would go back to bed and rest. I had a stressful day yesterday and worked myself into chest pain that required 2 doses of nitro last nite. And I am worn out today. :(

Please say a prayer for little Brayden. They are on their way to Children's Hospital in Little Rock. Brayden pulled out his feeding tube and they have to use a scope to re-insert it as it goes into his intestine, not his stomach. This is the second time in 2 weeks. Poor little guy.  :(

This is a pic I took several weeks ago. This gorgeous butterfly was loving our azaleas. (I know I spelled that wrong!)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Morning! :)

As followers of Jesus, we should be profoundly
aware of how far we fall short of God’s absolute of
righteousness, and how important it is to allow the One
who lived a perfect life to live through us. Also, we should continue to feed
our faith, shower people with grace when they fail to reach the goal, and
refuse to become discouraged when we miss the mark. Repent, receive God’s
forgiveness, forget the past, and move on. You’ll never bat 1.000, but a perfect
Savior walks with you. —Marvin Williams

I read this today and thought it was an amazing message and wanted to share it with you. It's part of Today's Devotional from
If you don't get their daily messages, you should. You will love them. Each day, you will get an email that includes Today's Video which is mostly music videos (AWESOME!!!!), Today's Devotional which always has an incredible message, and Today's Verse. So sign up for their daily messages and pass it on to friends and family!

Here's a cutie to make you smile.......

Today will be a quiet day. I'm trying to get rid of yet another sinus headache! UGH!! Have a wonderful and blessed day my friends!  OXOXOXOXOXO   Marlene

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hello and happy saturday!

I hope you all are well and enjoying your day. I am laying low today. I fell again yesterday, and am incredibly sore. Greg is home and helping me get around, and I am  using ice to get down the swelling.

I went to see the orthopedic surgeon on thursday. His exact words about my knees were "they're pretty much terminal." Wierd words to tell me they are completely shot. I knew that already. But he said he is worried about my circulatory issues causing blood clots and /or excessive bleeding. He also wants me to have therapy for the lymphedema first, and also wants to have a release from my cardiologist saying I can handle the knee replacement surgeries. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.......

So, I don't know what I can do at this point. Not good news I know, but that's where I'm at right now. Looks like I will have to look into a power chair so I can get around without having to keep falling on my face........ Ugh.......Prayers at this point would be welcomed.  That's all for today friends.  Love & hugs. XOXOXOXOX    Marlene

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Greg came home at lunch and asked me if I wanted to go run a few errands with him. So I said sure. First stop was the Fireside Grill as he wanted to see if they had enough hickory (he supplies them). So instead of driving to the back where he stacks the wood, he pulls up to the front of the building facing their sign. I asked what are you doing? Then I glanced at the sign.

The photos show my reaction. And by the way, in case you are wondering, I said YES!!  :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Sunday My Friends!

I hope you are enjoying your day today. It's another hot one here. It's noon, and I'm pretty sure it's close to 100 degrees outside. I went outside to fill the feeders and birdbath and I could barely breathe out there! Yuck! I never have been able to deal with heat- even as a kid. I was always the one who got overheated and sick during the summer. Joey, my youngest is the same. He doesn't fare well in the heat either, though he has gotten better as he got older......

We got some of our veggies planted yesterday. Lots more to do-but we have to go to Lowe's and pick up some more soil. We decided this year to do container gardening since our bodies just aren't up to digging new garden beds at our new place. At the old house I had lovely raised beds surrounded by concrete blocks that were stacked 2 blocks high. Easy for me to sit on the edge and do my planting without kneeling on my poor decrepit knees, or straining my back. Perhaps next year we will work on some raised beds.

Yesterday, we went to do a bit of shopping, and got my haircut. It's shorter than I ever remember having it. I'm not overly excited about it to say the least. Greg being the sweetheart that he is say it looks wonderful, I think he needs glasses. ;)

I was a bit disappointed that a few coupon deals I was hoping to get on pet food/treats were not available at my walmart. But they did have the new Oscar Mayer products I was looking for. I got coupons to try them for free from Kraft First Taste. If you have not signed up for Kraft First Taste, you need to. When they have new products, they either send you a freebie, or a high value (or totally free) coupon. Then you try the item and give them feedback on it. They also give you some extra coupons to share with friends. I have been a member of this panel for about 3 years, and have tried quite a few goodies!
Also at walmart, they had a gal handing out some P&G samples in a little drawstring bag. Mouthwash, toothpaste, Old Spice Body Wash, and a Secret deoderant. Plus high value coupons for other P&G items were inside as well. So that was a nice little freebie. (They are going into my box of goodies I am saving to make hygene kits for Samaritan's Purse.) And even nicer is the P&G insert in today's paper had more coupons for these items as well!

I noticed in the coupon inserts that alot of the things I missed out on getting about 3 weeks ago are in the inserts again (like the great deal on Gillette Razors), so I am happy about that. Got 7 papers yesterday and clipped all my coupons. I will share with my 2 DILs. We have 2 friends that are paper carriers and they are saving inserts as well, so I'm thinking of maybe starting a coupon swap. And possibly a class on couponing.  I had several people ask me how to do it while I was shopping. Of course my binders gave me away! I told them, that there's NO possible realistic way to shop and get your $1500.00 worth of food for free. At least not where I live! The stores here have a limit of how many coupons you can use at one time, how many like coupons at a time, etc....Maybe it works on TV but not in real life. You CAN get some freebies, and some really good deals, but it isn't realistic to set a goal to shop like they do on the Extreme Couponing TV show.

Remember, if you have any questions, or want to share what deals you've found, leave a comment!  :)

Well, I gotta run. My sweetie just came home and I want to make him some lunch. Have a wonderful day! Love and hugs  OXOXOXOXOX  Marlene

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ahhhhhhh. Summer.......

It has arrived. 80+ degrees at 7:30 am as I left to go to the doctor this morning. It's gonna be a hot one again. But, I can't complain. I am in the air conditioning. But poor Greg is another story. I hate that he is out there working his butt off in this heat and humidity. I hope you all are well and keeping cool.

Brayden is doing well, I'm told. I haven't seen him in several weeks :(  and this makes me sad. But he and I are not easy to travel with. With me having trouble walking, and him with all the tubes, machines, etc. I hate that I can't see him more, but, it's out of my hands. Hopefully soon he will be off the vent and it will be much less stress on him. He is scheduled to have surgery to repair his cleft palate on July 15th, so please say some prayers for our precious little one.

Greg is doing better. Still hobbling and needs to ice his knee at the end of the day. But he needs surgery badly, but that's not possible at the present time. Guess I need to play the lottery......

As for me, same old shit, just another day. I wish the people that do the lymphedema therapy would hurry up and get here. They are coming to our town and moving in with my doc's office. I was told I will have the first appointment. That will be nice. Meanwhile I keep putting on weight (fluid) and my legs keep getting more swollen. Two more pounds in the last two weeks. Which may not seem like alot. But since december I've gained 22 lbs. More than 3 gallons of fluid. And that fluid my friends is mostly in my calves, ankles and feet. The left leg is worse then the right. And I'm having a hard time finding pants in my size to fit the swollen bottom half of my legs. I have to go a couple of sizes larger and make alterations I guess. And I hate that several months ago I donated all my larger clothes as I had lost more weight. Oh well..........

Next week I will see the orthopaedic doc for my knees. I am hoping he will at least be able to give me a cortizone injection. I know he's gonna say I have to have the surgery, but with my circulatory and heart issues, it's just not an option at the moment. To get my mind off this crap, I busied myself with organizing my office/studio/craft room. Even made a window shelf with a tufted cushion for my furbabies. My studio is looking good, but I still have several boxes of stuff to get out of there. They are full of garage sale stuff and some things to donate to the Humane Society. I am slowly trying to downsize and get rid of stuff. I just have too much stuff!! And quite frankly, I could use the money. My mounting medical bills are killing me. And yes, I have insurance. So, I shouldn't complain. But 15.00 copay for my reg doc 2 - 4 times a month, then the cardiologist is 35.00, my rheumatologist is 35.00, and we won't talk about the copays for the 17 meds I take. (down from 22!) And I know you guys know what I mean. Most of you are in the same boat I am! And I don't know how many days a week I will have to go for the lymphedema therapy, and the gas back and forth! Oh my. But it could be worse. I could NOT have insurance or a car to get there........ But sometimes it's hard to take. I mean, I have the insurance but CAN'T have the surgery. Greg needs to have the surgery far worse than me, but he doesn't have insurance. Ugh!

Moving on......I am hoping we can get some things done outside this weekend. The grass needs to be cut badly, and weeds are sprouting everywhere. And I have a front porch full of plants that need to get in pots. I have never been this late putting in the garden. But we just haven't been in shape to get it done! Luckily we have a long growing season here, so it won't make much of a difference.

I know I promised you I'd let you know about how my couponing thing is going, but I have to tell you, it's not anything like on TV. That's just to nutts for me to even comprehend, and while it may be nice to have a "stockpile" I really to have an issue with people that clear off the whole shelf and buy 50 hand soaps or 40 containers of mustard, just because they can. This will make all stores start changing their policies and limiting quantities, etc. So if you are doing the coupon thing, be considerate of others. Don't swipe all the blinkies or catalinas, and don't remove the peelies off the products if you're not gonna buy the product now. And don't clear the shelf. It's rude and inconsiderate of others that are trying to get by just like you! And most important, don't STEAL the newspapers. If you want 5 papers, don't pay for 1 and take 5 out of the paper box. The carrier will be responsible for that shortage. And they're trying to make a living too! And I want to encourage you to spread the blessings around. If you find some great deals or freebies, remember the food pantry or food bank in your area and share some of your stash. And if you don't have pets, but find freebies, share them with your local Humane Society. In these hard times more and more people are having a hard time feeding their pets and have to give them up. And with the recent natural disasters in the south, there are sooooo many pets that are homeless and the shelters and Humane Society need help and they will happily take your pet food/ treat/toy donations!

That's all for today my friends. I badly need my coffee, and I have orders to rest, put up my legs, and ice my knees! And I guarantee Greg will sneak home and check on me, so I better listen. ;)
Have a wonderful day my friends. Love and hugs! XOXOXOXOX  Marlene

Friday, May 20, 2011


Thank goodness the week is almost over. It has been a rough one. But I try to remember that everyday starts anew and it gives me strength. Gives me hope that today can be a better day.

First off, I have to talk about my little man Brayden. This Oma missed his 1st Bday party last sunday. I was sooooo sad. But, this was the day I had my fall, and I basically caould barely move for two days. Then Ashley had a huge scare and had to call the ambulance to take them to the hospital. Braydens trach tube came out and he turned blue and was unresponsive. Ashley was able to put it back it without a problem, but she wanted to make sure he was okay. He was fine after a bit, and they were able to get him home the same day. Thank you GOD! There is no doubt in my mind that this precious little one has had devine intervention on more than one occasion. Prayers are still needed though! He is doing well aside from having an ear infection, and is growing in leaps and bounds. In fact, the last time I was at their place and had him on my lap I realized just how weak I am. I held onto him for dear life as I really had a hard time holding onto him at first. :-(

As for me, I saw the doc today. She wants me to see an orthopaedic surgeon for my knees. My right one is now completely shot thanks to the RA and it likes to give out on me more and more these days. That's what caused me to fall sunday. I knew this day was coming for a long time. But it would have been nice if it could have waited til the cardiologist got my heart issues worked out, and I was able to start the lyphedema therapy for my legs........ah well. Things don't always work the way we want them to do they? I have been using a walker to help me get around, but it is killing my shoulder (the one I had surgery on for the torn rotator cuff which is once again torn thanks to the RA) and my left hand that also needs surgery. So after a few trips back & forth in the house everything is screaming at me. It has been a loooooooong week to say the least.........

Several of you have asked about my post on FB about the Saving's Angel site, and I have to be honest with you. I have cancelled my membership. Not because it wasn't worth it. It just didn't work for ME. I live in a small town and the only big name store we have that SA "works with" is Walmart. I HATE shopping at Walmart. But that doesn't mean it won't work for you. They have lots of grocery and drugs stores they work with, so just check it out. There are also many blogs that you can get lots of info off of as well. And it doesn't cost you a thing. Later today I will post links here for my fave couponing blogs. Really ladies, you need to check them out.

As many of you know, I have been struggling to get my two websites up and running again. I hate having a website. It's too much damn work. And my brain function with fibrofog isn't real terriffic. One day I can get the downloadable files up without a problem. 24 hours later my brain says are you kidding me?  So there they sit. Two lonely sites.......I am seriously thinking of going the Etsy and Artfire route instead. But then I must have some actual product finished then, don't I? Better get on it Marlene! You ain't gettin any younger! LOL!!

This brings me back to the couponing. The prices in the stores are killing me- as it is everyone these days. I had hoped my wares on the websites would help, but, to many people are doing the same thing! And I don't have control over people buying my stuff. Who's got money for stuff these days? And I think more and more people are not buying- they're making it themselves, just like me! So, after watching extreme couponing on tv several times, I am in ! I can control what I spend. No, I am not going to do 20 different transactions, or buy something I don't need like the crazy woman who got boxes and boxes of cat treats because they were free after coupons but she doesn't own a cat! Hey lady! Send them to me! My cats would love them! Or how about you donate them to an animal shelter????

But I will keep you posted on how I am doing, and the kind of money I save. And now, I must have some coffee. I am sleepy (2 hours of sleep) but have much to do! Have a blessed day! OXOXOXOX

Monday, April 18, 2011

Brayden Update

Had quite the weekend.  Poor little guy was flown to Children's again. Turns out he has a virus but over the last few days he has improved quite a bit. Hopefully will be home in a few days. Unfortunately, they will have to reschedule his surgery that was supposed to take place tomorrow. But, that's okay. It was to fix his cleft palate, so it's not a critical surgery. Please keep him in your prayers.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Friday!

Hello everyone. I hope you all are well. Things around here are calm at the moment. But it has been a bit hectic for me in a way as I am trying to get my online buisnesses straightened out. Most of you know about my candy wrap/ party favor design website, but I now have a floral design one as well. And I'll be honest with you- I hate them. Running a website is NO FUN for me, especially when you have files that get downloaded. It comes so easy to me when I am feeling decent, but when I am in a flare, it damn near impossible for me to even follow the written step-by-step instructions! Anyone who suffers from FM or CFIDS can totally understand what I mean.

I got so frustrated, that I took down both of them. But! Fear not! I have started two new blogs, one for each buisness. And at the present time I will be selling my wares through my blogs. Hopefully in the next few months as my health improves I will get the websites up and running again. I am also looking for someone in the candy wrap buisness who can help me out with photos of finished products. I'll post more about it in a day or two.

Thanks so much for all friendship and support!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Had a little scare 2 days ago.

Okay. So it wasn't a "little" scare. I passed out in the shower. Bent over & picked up the dropped shampoo, started to wash my hair, and next thing I know- I'm laying in the tub. I was home alone. But incredibly, Greg came home for lunch after replacing a truck tire that went flat. And to the hospital we went. I am okay. I had xrays to make sure my pelvis and hip weren't fractured. Also my right shoulder that has the screw in it was killing me, but no broken bones. Had a ct scan of my neck as well. I am bruised and battered, but okay.

Spoke with my regular doc and cardiologist. My Cardiologist put me on a medicine (a steriod called Florinef- if any of you have taken this one can you let me know what your experience was?)) to keep my blood pressure from bottoming out. That is why I keep passing out. He wants me to stay on it until I have had the monitor for 30 days (which I still have NOT recieved) and the other tests (scheduled for april) and then he'll decide what he will do. I guess I will have to be patient- but you all know patience is not one of my best traits. I am extremely frustrated with the whole thing. Especially since now, I am on a dreaded steroid again.

So, I am taking this drug to help my blood pressure issue. In return, this wonderful drug will strip me of my potassium, raise my blood sugar, and lower my already compromised immune system. So, that means I have to take a potassium supplement (and this liquid  is the most vile stuff you can imagine), I have to monitor my blood sugar and take meds for it. I am not a diabetic, but steroids raise my blood sugar for some reason and I have to take meds to lower it as diet alone won't touch it. And then there's the immune system issue. That means if you have the slightest sniffle, you are banned from visiting me until you are well. I'm sorry about that, but please please PLEASE don't come over if you are sick. I won't be able to fight off the smallest thing and your little sniffle will put me in the hospital.

This also means where ever I go I will have to wear a mask. Boy I just love that. But Greg warned me- if I don't he won't take me out. and doc already said forget about grocery shopping and other non important errands. Poor Greg. Honestly, sometimes I don't know why he puts up with me. But he does. And he does it with a smile. And a kiss. He knows just what to say to bring me up and make me not give up the fight to get well. And those of you that are "sisters in illness" know what a struggle chronic illness is. But I have many things to be well for. My family, my friends, my furbabies, and then there's my newest online venture. But that's another story.  :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baked Potato Soup Recipe

Here's the recipe for my baked potato soup. Enjoy!

_4 large baking potatoes
_ 2/3 cup butter
_ 2/3 cup flour
_ 3/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
_ 1/4 teaspoon pepper
_ 6 cups milk
_ 1 cup (8 oz ) sour cream
_ 1/4 cup sliced green onions (1 bunch)
_ 10 bacon strips cooked and crumbled
_ 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Bake potatoes at 350 degrees until tender. (65-75 min). Peel and cube potatoes. In large saucepan, melt butter. Stir in flour, salt, and pepper until smooth. Gradually add milk. Bring to a boil. Cook and stir for two minutes or until thickened. Remove from heat. Wisk in sour cream. Add potatoes and green onions. Garnish with bacon and cheese. Makes 10 servings.

Note: I tweaked this recipe a bit to suit our tastes. Instead of all milk, I use 4 cups chicken broth and 2 cups whole milk. I also dice an onion and saute it til soft and and add it in. I also use a hand blender to smooth it out, but you can leave it lumpy if you like. For us, you can never have enough bacon or cheese, so if you're watching calories, you might want to skip it. But we load it on.  :)  I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

New stuff....

Well, as usual, I'm late on updating. I don't know why it's so hard for me. But by the amount of emails I have gotten in the last several days, it sure is nice to know that you guys care.

First thing- Brayden is doing wonderful. Growing like a weed and teething! On my facebook page you can see new photos. What a cutie he is.

The trip to Little Rock to see the other cardiologist was a pain in the butt. I was not happy at the outcome, as I still don't have a real answer to the problem. This cardiologist specializes in the electrical issues of the heart. So we drove 4 hours each way to see Dr. Beau at the Arkansas Heart Hospital. They put us up overnite at the Wingate Hotel (very nice) across the street from the hospital since I had to be there for my tests at 6am and we live so far away.

The first first test scheduled was the tilt table. You lay on the table and it raises to a 60 degree angle so you are almost standing upright on the shelf of the table. You are strapped  to the table so you can't fall off. They monitor what your heart is doing while you are in that position for 1 hour. The reason I had this test is because I am having a hard time getting up from a laying or sitting position or bending over, as I get dizzy and have passed out quite a few times. Many times I catch it in time and am able to sit down before I pass out, but it's still very scarey.

So, this test is supposed to cause you to pass out so they can monitor what your heart is doing- or not doing as the case may be. Four whole minutes into the test I passed out. Four minutes. My blood pressure and heart rate dropped drastically, and I was out cold. I remember the tech asking me if I was feeling okay, and I said no. Next thing I knew she was rubbing my arm and I was laying flat. She said she has never had anyone pass out that fast. She called me an over-achiever. So she talked to Dr. Beau and he came in and said there are several things that can cause that to happen. Heart Disease, and narrowing of the heart valve(s) are two of them. I have heart disease. I have heart valve issues as well. But he said dehydration and circulatory issues can do it as well. Dehydration has been a ongoing battle for me since october. And those of you who know me well know that I have circulatory issues as well. My legs are swollen and painful from lipidema and lymphedema all the time.

I was scheduled for a second test where they go in through the artery in the groin and into the heart. Then they induce an arrhythmia -again to see how the heart reacts. I have an arrhythmia. I was diagnosed with it 5 years ago. An arrhythmia can also cause the symptoms I am having. But, he decided NOT to do the 2nd test. Turns out he didn't have all my info from my regular doc, so rather than take a more aggressive step to fix the issue, he is doing several other things first.
#1- I have to wear special stockings for my legs
#2- I have to wear a heart monitor for 30 days
#3- I have to hydrate more.

He did say that my heart is not pumping strong enough to pump blood back up from my legs back to my heart and brain. So it is pooling in my legs, and the lack of oxygen is causing me to pass out. But with all the heart issues I have, it's still up in the air what the cardiologists will DO to fix it. And that makes me upset. I am very frustrated as it will be at least 2 months from now before I get any kind of an answer.
So there you have it. Have I bored you to death yet?   ;)

Anyway, keep the emails coming. They cheer me up more than you can imagine.   OXOXOXO  Hugs!  M