I hope you are enjoying your day today. It's another hot one here. It's noon, and I'm pretty sure it's close to 100 degrees outside. I went outside to fill the feeders and birdbath and I could barely breathe out there! Yuck! I never have been able to deal with heat- even as a kid. I was always the one who got overheated and sick during the summer. Joey, my youngest is the same. He doesn't fare well in the heat either, though he has gotten better as he got older......
We got some of our veggies planted yesterday. Lots more to do-but we have to go to Lowe's and pick up some more soil. We decided this year to do container gardening since our bodies just aren't up to digging new garden beds at our new place. At the old house I had lovely raised beds surrounded by concrete blocks that were stacked 2 blocks high. Easy for me to sit on the edge and do my planting without kneeling on my poor decrepit knees, or straining my back. Perhaps next year we will work on some raised beds.
Yesterday, we went to do a bit of shopping, and got my haircut. It's shorter than I ever remember having it. I'm not overly excited about it to say the least. Greg being the sweetheart that he is say it looks wonderful, I think he needs glasses. ;)
I was a bit disappointed that a few coupon deals I was hoping to get on pet food/treats were not available at my walmart. But they did have the new Oscar Mayer products I was looking for. I got coupons to try them for free from Kraft First Taste. If you have not signed up for Kraft First Taste, you need to. When they have new products, they either send you a freebie, or a high value (or totally free) coupon. Then you try the item and give them feedback on it. They also give you some extra coupons to share with friends. I have been a member of this panel for about 3 years, and have tried quite a few goodies!
Also at walmart, they had a gal handing out some P&G samples in a little drawstring bag. Mouthwash, toothpaste, Old Spice Body Wash, and a Secret deoderant. Plus high value coupons for other P&G items were inside as well. So that was a nice little freebie. (They are going into my box of goodies I am saving to make hygene kits for Samaritan's Purse.) And even nicer is the P&G insert in today's paper had more coupons for these items as well!
I noticed in the coupon inserts that alot of the things I missed out on getting about 3 weeks ago are in the inserts again (like the great deal on Gillette Razors), so I am happy about that. Got 7 papers yesterday and clipped all my coupons. I will share with my 2 DILs. We have 2 friends that are paper carriers and they are saving inserts as well, so I'm thinking of maybe starting a coupon swap. And possibly a class on couponing. I had several people ask me how to do it while I was shopping. Of course my binders gave me away! I told them, that there's NO possible realistic way to shop and get your $1500.00 worth of food for free. At least not where I live! The stores here have a limit of how many coupons you can use at one time, how many like coupons at a time, etc....Maybe it works on TV but not in real life. You CAN get some freebies, and some really good deals, but it isn't realistic to set a goal to shop like they do on the Extreme Couponing TV show.
Remember, if you have any questions, or want to share what deals you've found, leave a comment! :)
Well, I gotta run. My sweetie just came home and I want to make him some lunch. Have a wonderful day! Love and hugs OXOXOXOXOX Marlene
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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