Monday, April 18, 2011

Brayden Update

Had quite the weekend.  Poor little guy was flown to Children's again. Turns out he has a virus but over the last few days he has improved quite a bit. Hopefully will be home in a few days. Unfortunately, they will have to reschedule his surgery that was supposed to take place tomorrow. But, that's okay. It was to fix his cleft palate, so it's not a critical surgery. Please keep him in your prayers.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Friday!

Hello everyone. I hope you all are well. Things around here are calm at the moment. But it has been a bit hectic for me in a way as I am trying to get my online buisnesses straightened out. Most of you know about my candy wrap/ party favor design website, but I now have a floral design one as well. And I'll be honest with you- I hate them. Running a website is NO FUN for me, especially when you have files that get downloaded. It comes so easy to me when I am feeling decent, but when I am in a flare, it damn near impossible for me to even follow the written step-by-step instructions! Anyone who suffers from FM or CFIDS can totally understand what I mean.

I got so frustrated, that I took down both of them. But! Fear not! I have started two new blogs, one for each buisness. And at the present time I will be selling my wares through my blogs. Hopefully in the next few months as my health improves I will get the websites up and running again. I am also looking for someone in the candy wrap buisness who can help me out with photos of finished products. I'll post more about it in a day or two.

Thanks so much for all friendship and support!