Friday ushers in the weekend, and hopefully that means I'll see a bit more of Greg. He's soooooo busy, working on 3 huge jobs plus his wood buisness that he barely has time to breathe. I hate that. I hate that I can't do more to bring income in to take some of the load off him.......
I hope all of you are well and enjoying some nice summer weather. It's gonna be another hot one today. The weather report said 95 degrees. Thank goodness for air conditioning. I wouldn't make it without it. My body can't regulate temps anymore. I don't sweat, and therefore can't cool down. And in the cold I freeze and can't warm up. So our house is forever an extreme. Really really warm so I don't have pain, or really really cool so I don't over-heat. So my poor sweetie either has to walk around the house half naked in winter, and in the summer has blankets over his head while sleeping. And he NEVER complains. NEVER. Always is concerned about my comfort. What an amazing man he is. And I never take him for granted. I am so blessed to have his love and there isn't a day that goes by where I don't thank God for bringing him in my life.
We haven't set a wedding date yet. And haven't decided what we'll do yet. Kinda thinking about a small ceremony with a Pastor, and a small reception at the house. Don't want a fancy thing. We've been "married" for almost 8 years, now we're just putting it on paper. ;)
I've been toying with some designs for some wedding favors. I've been playing with some graphics at nite when I can't sleep. I have every just about every pattern I could possibly ever need and graphics from some of the most talented graphic artists in the whole wide world. And if you don't know Trina Clark and Cheryl Seslar, you need too. Extremely talented ladies......
When I have some designs done, I'll post them here, and you can give me some feedback on what you think. K?
Went to see Diana (advanced nurse practitioner) today. She's not happy that the orthopedic doc did not inject my knees for some pain/swelling relief. But, good news is, her office is now ready and set up to do the lymphedema therapy and I will have my first treatment on july 1st. They will also be doing medical massage therapy as well for FM patients so I am thrilled about that. She was concerned that I don't have feeling in my feet. Poked me with a needle in several areas and I didn't flinch. I'm not a diabetic, but I am told that the numbness is common with FM and CFIDS.
I asked her about a new topical gel out for arthritis called Voltaren. She said it is NOT a option for people with heart problems, so that idea went out the window. I got info about it through the mail from a company that I do surveys for. I did one on arthritis several weeks ago, and they sent me a info packet and a card to give the pharmacy that would allow me to get up to 6 prescriptions of it for free. But, since I can't use it, I'll see if Greg can. He has an appointment to see Diana on july 1st as well. I told him if he wanted me to marry him he had to go to the doctor. Several weeks ago there was a health fair at the fair grounds and the hospital was doing blood screenings and blood pressure checks at no cost. And I begged him to go. His blood pressure was VERY high, and so was his cholesterol. And I worry about him. Doing all that heaving lifting and extreme physical work. Not good when you have really high blood pressure. So Diana will see him and get him on some meds. Greg does not like going to the doctor at all- especially since he doesn't have insurance. So this is a huge thing he's doing. And I am very happy about it. :)
And now it's time to sign off. I promised Greg I would go back to bed and rest. I had a stressful day yesterday and worked myself into chest pain that required 2 doses of nitro last nite. And I am worn out today. :(
Please say a prayer for little Brayden. They are on their way to Children's Hospital in Little Rock. Brayden pulled out his feeding tube and they have to use a scope to re-insert it as it goes into his intestine, not his stomach. This is the second time in 2 weeks. Poor little guy. :(
This is a pic I took several weeks ago. This gorgeous butterfly was loving our azaleas. (I know I spelled that wrong!)
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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