Well, as usual, I'm late on updating. I don't know why it's so hard for me. But by the amount of emails I have gotten in the last several days, it sure is nice to know that you guys care.
First thing- Brayden is doing wonderful. Growing like a weed and teething! On my facebook page you can see new photos. What a cutie he is.
The trip to Little Rock to see the other cardiologist was a pain in the butt. I was not happy at the outcome, as I still don't have a real answer to the problem. This cardiologist specializes in the electrical issues of the heart. So we drove 4 hours each way to see Dr. Beau at the Arkansas Heart Hospital. They put us up overnite at the Wingate Hotel (very nice) across the street from the hospital since I had to be there for my tests at 6am and we live so far away.
The first first test scheduled was the tilt table. You lay on the table and it raises to a 60 degree angle so you are almost standing upright on the shelf of the table. You are strapped to the table so you can't fall off. They monitor what your heart is doing while you are in that position for 1 hour. The reason I had this test is because I am having a hard time getting up from a laying or sitting position or bending over, as I get dizzy and have passed out quite a few times. Many times I catch it in time and am able to sit down before I pass out, but it's still very scarey.
So, this test is supposed to cause you to pass out so they can monitor what your heart is doing- or not doing as the case may be. Four whole minutes into the test I passed out. Four minutes. My blood pressure and heart rate dropped drastically, and I was out cold. I remember the tech asking me if I was feeling okay, and I said no. Next thing I knew she was rubbing my arm and I was laying flat. She said she has never had anyone pass out that fast. She called me an over-achiever. So she talked to Dr. Beau and he came in and said there are several things that can cause that to happen. Heart Disease, and narrowing of the heart valve(s) are two of them. I have heart disease. I have heart valve issues as well. But he said dehydration and circulatory issues can do it as well. Dehydration has been a ongoing battle for me since october. And those of you who know me well know that I have circulatory issues as well. My legs are swollen and painful from lipidema and lymphedema all the time.
I was scheduled for a second test where they go in through the artery in the groin and into the heart. Then they induce an arrhythmia -again to see how the heart reacts. I have an arrhythmia. I was diagnosed with it 5 years ago. An arrhythmia can also cause the symptoms I am having. But, he decided NOT to do the 2nd test. Turns out he didn't have all my info from my regular doc, so rather than take a more aggressive step to fix the issue, he is doing several other things first.
#1- I have to wear special stockings for my legs
#2- I have to wear a heart monitor for 30 days
#3- I have to hydrate more.
He did say that my heart is not pumping strong enough to pump blood back up from my legs back to my heart and brain. So it is pooling in my legs, and the lack of oxygen is causing me to pass out. But with all the heart issues I have, it's still up in the air what the cardiologists will DO to fix it. And that makes me upset. I am very frustrated as it will be at least 2 months from now before I get any kind of an answer.
So there you have it. Have I bored you to death yet? ;)
Anyway, keep the emails coming. They cheer me up more than you can imagine. OXOXOXO Hugs! M
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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