How can you not be happy when it's friday? I love fridays. Always have. When I was a working girl (NOT that kind!) friday reminded me that the week was about done. When I was a stay at home mom, I looked forward to my sons being home for the weekend. And now, it means Greg will be home a bit on the weekend. I look forward to every moment we spend together. He is truely the love of my life. I know you are probably tired of hearing about it, but I never tire of speaking about it.
A friend of mine lost the love of her life last week. It was unexpected and sudden and she is devastated. She told me she always told him she loved him and they spent every minute they could together. And I found myself questioning why the good ones always go. Another friend lost her love a few years back as well. They were only married a short time before he passed away. But he was the love of her life as well. Again, I asked why do the good ones get taken away?? Pretty stupid question really. I mean, why would our Lord want the BAD ones???
When I look at young people today and how they treat their mates it really disturbs me. I see so much selfishness and so little love and caring that I don't understand it at all. Greg and I love each other deeply. And we show it every day. And we say it every day. More than once a day. There is nothing more important to me than to make sure he feels loved. That he knows it. That if I die tomorrow there won't be any doubt that I loved him to the very soul of my being.
There are people we know that are fighting daily. Drama and yelling and nastiness on an hourly basis that tears their family apart. Why? Life is too damn short. One never does a single thing for the other. Always me me me and never the other person. Their partner comes home from work and the other is out the door for some "me time." How can anyone ever be happy like that?? If they want "me time" why have a spouse? Why have children? Don't get me wrong. All couples and parents need some down time. I get that. But not to the extreme where the down time is way more than family time.
And it's not just these people that we know. I see it all over the place. And it's something I can't deal with. It is so simple to have a kind word for another person. To do something nice for another. There have been times where I have actually thought of looking into doing a class or something to teach some of these young women some REAL life skills. Like how to cook. How to budget, How to care for others instead of only themselves. You know, the basic life skills. Where have we gone wrong that our children have to learn earth science and biology and algebra but not how to balance a checkbook? That they have to know how to write a five thousand word essay about something so incredibly useless instead of learning simple home economics? How is it that they think the way to stretch the budget is to bounce a check and pay it later? That being able to party out of town is more important than taking care of bills? This generation is so screwed up. Oh, I know not all young couples are this way. But I have to tell you, I am really glad I am not raising kids anymore. In this rude texting in your face I only care about me world I would never make it.
As you know, I am disabled and can't work so, keeping the house clean, taking care of the household by doing all I can to keep the utilities as low as possible, cooking healthy meals that Greg and I both enjoy (not out of a box thank you), saving as much money on grocery shopping etc, and caring for the animals are all things I do. And do so gladly. It is my "job," and I take pride in it. I can't help but wonder how is it possible that so many young women want to be stay at homes, but do not feel like they need to care for their partners, children, homes, etc???? That they do not take pride in it??? And even though I take care of most of the household stuff, Greg still helps. He doesn't come home and put his feet up with a paper and his coffee and expect to be waited on (like my ex did). If I am not feeling well he cooks. Does laundry. He cleans the cat boxes daily, and whatever else will make my day easier and not increase my pain level. And when he comes home and is tired and in pain from his back or knee problems, I take care of him and whatever he needs. That's what people do. Well, I thought that .....but some people seem to think that once you have your partner you don't have to do a single thing anymore to keep that love going. WRONG! This is how marriages/relationships end. What ever happened to the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you' way of living? I don't know. Maybe my bad health has made these things so much more important to me. But I have always known you have to bring love into your relationship every single moment. You can't sit back and take your partner or family for granted! I have a partner (he will be my husband later this year!!!) that loves me and shows it. And tells me as much as I tell him. Well, almost. ;0) I cannot even fathom not doing things for Greg to make him happy and feel loved. It's that important to me. How difficult is it to meet your love at the door with a big kiss when he comes home. Or just call him or her just to say I love you. To put a note in his wallet, car, jacket, etc and say you can't wait til he gets home. A little love goes a long way. And not just for your partner/spouse. Your kids, siblings, parents, etc. Forget about your "me me me" and try doing something for someone else for a change. It will change your life!
Have a wonderful friday everyone. Love and blessings, Marlene OXOXOXOX
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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