Happy Tuesday friends. I hope you all are well. We are fighting some illness over here. Me with bronchitis and sinus infection, and Greg an ear infection and some chest congestion. Hopefully the antibiotics are gonna kick in soon so we're not sick over Christmas!
We both saw the doc today. He asked her some questions about disability, and she told him he more than qualifies. I've know for a while that he should file. I mean, I live with the guy. I know how he is in incredible pain from his compression fracture (fell off a ladder onto concrete) and disk disease. And that's only his back. His knee is shot and only being held together by a brace, and his shoulder is a mess from falling off the truck (onto his shoulder) a few years ago. And that doesn't even include the severe arthritis head to toe. I hate that he has to work so hard to make up for me not being able to work. :( Yes, I get SSDI, but it's not much, and I don't need to tell any of you how hard it is to live on one income. Anyway, I'm hoping after the holidays, he will file for disability. At least temp SSDI will cover him for the time needed to have surgery and recovery time!
As for me, I now have a Tens Unit, and it is helping my neck & mid back quite a bit and I've only had it on for a couple of hours. So I think if this keeps my pain level down, I will hold off on the facet injections in my neck and back. Not a nice thing to go through. I have also had the nerves burned as well. I think I'll pass on all that again thank you very much. And as much as I hate to say it, I have agreed to a motorized wheelchair. Getting around is getting harder and harder, and falling down is NOT a good thing. I seem to be getting tired alot faster, and my legs just don't want to do what they're supposed to. I thought it was tough when I gave up driving. Using a wheelchair is worse. And while I can stand long enough to cook dinner, or do a few simple chores, I cannot walk through the grocery store, or go to the mailbox anymore. Last time I did that, I fell in the driveway. :(
But Chris and I talked about it, and he said, "Mom, at least if you use the chair, you can save your energy for other things. What a wise son I have. And I felt better about it after talking to Chris and Greg. Next month a gal from Humana is coming to see me about the chair and to see what need to be done to make the house wheelchair accessible.
Our doc also had alot to say to me about getting my buisness going. Lots of you know me from either Splitcoast Stampers, or Wrapcandy. But you don't know my first love is floral work. Last year I gave doc one of my pine cone trees as a Christmas gift. This year she asked me to design trees for her entire staff and to make some decorations for her office. I designed a 12 foot garland for over her receptionist's desk and a wreath for each door as well as a 4 foot tall tree. She wants me to design more for each season! She said she has had so many compliments on them- even the big shots from the main office loved them and they have 15 clinics. She wants to set me up to do work for all the offices and is also setting me up with a country club. Wouldn't that be wonderful?? I told Greg there is our new buisness. No more busting his butt taking down trees! Yay!
So, I will get busy after Christmas working on the garland, wreath, and tree bases, then I only have to customise them.
Moving on.....
We did our annual cookie tray deliveries this morning. We aways bring some to the police and sherrif's office, and then to our friends. I have been baking like a mad woman for the last week, and I am worn out. We cut back quite a bit this year. It just isn't in our budget, and my worn out body can't do two weeks worth of baking and candy making marathons anymore. But I love baking, so I won't give it up. My mom was from Germany and I have fond memories of baking for Christmas. I even make home made marzipan. So, even though we fibromites are told over and over to not over do- I am the queen of over-doing it. I can't help it. It's like I want to show my body who's boss or something. Needless to say, it doesn't work well for me. My body always proves IT is boss, and then pays me back with a flare. Ah well. Tis the season!
Enjoy the day!
Love and gentle hugs, Marlene
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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