Hello my friends. I hope you all are well. We've been having some cold weather the last few days. but I won't complain, after all, it is january! And, the weather is supposed to be back in the 60's again in a few days. :0) Gotta love winters in the south!
I have a question for you fibromites out there. Any of you get headaches there are incredibly bad and have blurred fuzzy spots out of the side of your vision? I get migraines, but these headaches are different than any I have had before. And with the migraines, I got kind of an aura around my field of vision before the migraine would hit, but, nothing like what I'm getting now. This is the 3rd week in a row where I have had a headache like this for several days. But not all day. Several hours maybe. Just thought I'd throw it out there and compare notes before I call doc. But I promised Greg I would call her tomorrow if I still have it. I don't have it now, but I did for several hours today. :(
I wanted to tell you about an article I read a few weeks ago. It compared the breakthrough pain we get to the pain cancer patients have. I was floored. I mean, you don't have to tell me what we suffer through is painful. I know that. But for so long the medical community has said FM and CFIDS don't exsist. It's all in our head, blah blah blah. But now they are finally FINALLY seeing that our pain is real! It is sooooo about time, don't you think? Funny thing though, a gal I know still doesn't get it. She says her sis has it and still works, and is FINE. Hmmmmm. So that means, all of us should work and be fine too I guess. Why do people not get that it effects people differently. Just like any other disease. Just like some people die from cancer and some don't.......
I am trying to work on some craft projects for our grandsons. I wanted to have them done for Christmas, but I have been plagued with computer program issues, and not feeling too great. Hopefully they won't mind having Christmas a second time. I am working on a set for the youngest (Isaiah) that is a sweet shop theme. It includes gallon and quart cans that will hold cookie mixes, two sizes of baggie toppers, buisness cards, menu board, and several other things including an apron, mixing spoons, and measuring cups. I am finished with the designing, now just need to print it all and put it all together. It is to tie in with a similar theme he was learning about at school and had alot of fun with. I'll post pics of it here when I am done. And if you are real nice, maybe I'll include some freebie printables so you can make some too. :)
For the older grandson, (David) I am working on some handmade journals, an altered clipboard and some pens to match. Also a wooden box to keep his fave pens in. I was surprised to learn of his love of pens, journals, and paper. I share this love as well. I will post pics of his finished gifts as well. And maybe a tutorial or two on how to diy. Stay tuned!
Got another order for more floral work for my docs office with spring theme. So gotta get busy on that as well. Found incredible deals today on baskets and silk florals, so I was a happy girl!
Mary, I will post the recipe for the sugar scrub I made for gifts in my next post. I promise, you will love it.
And now, I gotta get some sleep. It's almost one am! Nitey nite.
Love & gentle hugs, Marlene
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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