No! We are NOT!!!! I am sick to death of moving. It seems as though I just did this not that long ago, but I guess it has already been 7 years since I moved to Arkansas. It's hard to imagine it's been that long really. My niece and nephews are grown now as I see on their FB pages, and my boys are as well of course. I am sure my sisters are just as surprised when they look at Chris and Joey's updates. Time really does fly by when you're not looking, doesn't it?
I do miss my family back in Illinois. I wish I could go back now and then for a visit. But travel that far is out of the question for me. I hope that maybe I can talk them into coming when I'm a bit stronger. This last hospital/infection fiasco has my butt dragging still. I can't seem to get my strength back. I'm sure my heart problems, CFIDS and FM are not helping it any. The worst part of not feeling well now is the fibrofog. It's magnified about a thousand times now and I can't think straight. It's even getting hard to manage my meds myself. A couple days ago I double dosed my heart/blood pressure meds and made myself sick. Greg totally freaked out. I now have to have one of those things to separate the pills by am and pm so I don't get messed up again. It's never been an issue to take my meds. But now I can't remember things and when the kids talk to me it's like I'm on another planet or something. Ashley told me Brayden got his stitches out and I asked what stitches? DUH! They fixed his lip last week. I knew that. This CFIDS and FM has taken away everything I was able to do physically. Now It's taking away my mind. I imagine this is in a way what elderly people feel like when their "brain power" starts to go. It's almost impossible for me to have a halfway intelligent conversation sometimes. I can't even get my brain to focus on what's being said, let alone join in.
The kids laugh when I'm having a major case of the stupids, but to me, it's no laughing matter. I hate it. I feel as though I am losing all control of my body and mind and I can't fix it. It makes me sad. It makes me cry. I don't feel like myself anymore, and some days I find myself having quite the pity party. I thank God every day that I have Greg. He always helps and supports me and always seems to know just when I need him the most.
Time to "change the channel" as Aunt Wes would say.......
Update on my little man Brayden. He had to go back in the hospital. I hate that. But he was having some respiratory distress. But, he is doing well and we expect to have him back home in no time. Please keep our little man in your prayers. And I have laundry to do and a kitchen that needs cleaning, so that's it for today.
I know I am waaaay behind on emails. I have not forgotten you. Just got internet hooked up at the new house last nite. I will catch up in a day or so. Please email me rather than message me on FB as I don't get on there as much these days. I do check emails every day though. Keep the notes and jokes coming. They brighten my days! Love and hugs to you all. Have a glorious and blessed day! M
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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