Has it really been more than a month since I have updated? I am probably the world's worst blogger.
Well, I'll try to get you all caught up on what's been going on. Our little Brayden will have another surgery on sept 7th to fix his cleft lip. Then, he will come home. Finally!! He will be 4 months old by the time he is discharged. He had surgery a few weeks ago for a traich to help him breathe. The doctors are hopeful that he will not always need it-that he will get stronger and will be able to breathe on his own as he gets older. Joey and Ashley will go back to Little Rock for the next two weeks to care for Brayden until he is discharged. Oxygen tanks are stored in his room, and the kids are making room for all of his other medical equipment. Finally I will be able to see/hold my little grandson, and I just know I will bawl like a baby when I do. Please keep Brayden in your prayers- and mom & dad as well.
In other news, we are moving. We decided it was time to downsize. Buisness has been horrible for Greg this past year, and it has been a struggle at times to keep up with the mortgage on this big house. We don't even use the upstairs since all the kids are out on their own now- so why on earth are we paying for a 5 bedroom house when we only use one floor? It just makes sense to go to a smaller place. There is sooooooo much to be done/repaired on this old house that we can't keep up. And I can no longer do the outside stuff, so we needed a low maintenance yard. We found a nice 3 bedroom ranch style house. It has one and a half baths, and a den. And thank God no stairs to do the laundry. (For the past year Greg has been doing the laundry cause I cannot get up and down the stairs anymore.)
I have been going crazy trying to get the packing done and the room that's taking the longest is my office/studio/craft room. I found stuff I forgot I had! Still have alot to do, and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. Have to take lots of breaks and nap a while each day to get my strength back. But, in a few weeks, it will all be over and a new adventure will begin!
I will email everyone with our new address soon. I hope you all are well! Love and hugs- Marlene
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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