Good morning everyone. I hope you all are well. Just a little update. I was able to come home after the surgery. Very surprising to all of us, but I was thankful I am able to rest in my own bed.
I will not know the results of the biopsy until tomorrow.
I joked with Greg that this will be the only time in my life that I will be a 38DD- but only on one side LOL! I'm surprised at the amount of swelling, really. This is surgery #15 for me and I have never had swelling like this.
And now for an update on our precious little one. Brayden was moved out of the CNICU and into the "step down unit" yesterday. He is breathing on his own and doing well. Next wednesday he will have another surgery to repair another hole in his esophagus. They will have to go through his chest to repair it- and I really hate to think that he has to go through that again- but one of the arteries to his heart is to close to this hole and they cannot safely do the repair the normal way. But this will be his last surgery for a while so he will be able to come home after this one.
Joey and Ashley were able to hold Brayden yesterday for the very first time. Joey stayed at the hospital all night and when I spoke to him this morning he was very tired. He said Brayden's crying woke him at 5:30 this morning. I answered never is there a more welcome sound than a baby's cry when they have been too sick and weak to make even a whimper. Welcome to the rest of your life Joey! It will never be the same again!
They have formally diagnosed Brayden with "Charge Syndrome." and like any other illness or syndrome there are varying degrees of it. We will have to wait and see. But he will be loved and adored no matter what.
Will stop now. Pain pills are kicking in and I need sleep! More later. Love and hugs! M
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago
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