Thank goodness the week is almost over. It has been a rough one. But I try to remember that everyday starts anew and it gives me strength. Gives me hope that today can be a better day.
First off, I have to talk about my little man Brayden. This Oma missed his 1st Bday party last sunday. I was sooooo sad. But, this was the day I had my fall, and I basically caould barely move for two days. Then Ashley had a huge scare and had to call the ambulance to take them to the hospital. Braydens trach tube came out and he turned blue and was unresponsive. Ashley was able to put it back it without a problem, but she wanted to make sure he was okay. He was fine after a bit, and they were able to get him home the same day. Thank you GOD! There is no doubt in my mind that this precious little one has had devine intervention on more than one occasion. Prayers are still needed though! He is doing well aside from having an ear infection, and is growing in leaps and bounds. In fact, the last time I was at their place and had him on my lap I realized just how weak I am. I held onto him for dear life as I really had a hard time holding onto him at first. :-(
As for me, I saw the doc today. She wants me to see an orthopaedic surgeon for my knees. My right one is now completely shot thanks to the RA and it likes to give out on me more and more these days. That's what caused me to fall sunday. I knew this day was coming for a long time. But it would have been nice if it could have waited til the cardiologist got my heart issues worked out, and I was able to start the lyphedema therapy for my legs........ah well. Things don't always work the way we want them to do they? I have been using a walker to help me get around, but it is killing my shoulder (the one I had surgery on for the torn rotator cuff which is once again torn thanks to the RA) and my left hand that also needs surgery. So after a few trips back & forth in the house everything is screaming at me. It has been a loooooooong week to say the least.........
Several of you have asked about my post on FB about the Saving's Angel site, and I have to be honest with you. I have cancelled my membership. Not because it wasn't worth it. It just didn't work for ME. I live in a small town and the only big name store we have that SA "works with" is Walmart. I HATE shopping at Walmart. But that doesn't mean it won't work for you. They have lots of grocery and drugs stores they work with, so just check it out. There are also many blogs that you can get lots of info off of as well. And it doesn't cost you a thing. Later today I will post links here for my fave couponing blogs. Really ladies, you need to check them out.
As many of you know, I have been struggling to get my two websites up and running again. I hate having a website. It's too much damn work. And my brain function with fibrofog isn't real terriffic. One day I can get the downloadable files up without a problem. 24 hours later my brain says are you kidding me? So there they sit. Two lonely sites.......I am seriously thinking of going the Etsy and Artfire route instead. But then I must have some actual product finished then, don't I? Better get on it Marlene! You ain't gettin any younger! LOL!!
This brings me back to the couponing. The prices in the stores are killing me- as it is everyone these days. I had hoped my wares on the websites would help, but, to many people are doing the same thing! And I don't have control over people buying my stuff. Who's got money for stuff these days? And I think more and more people are not buying- they're making it themselves, just like me! So, after watching extreme couponing on tv several times, I am in ! I can control what I spend. No, I am not going to do 20 different transactions, or buy something I don't need like the crazy woman who got boxes and boxes of cat treats because they were free after coupons but she doesn't own a cat! Hey lady! Send them to me! My cats would love them! Or how about you donate them to an animal shelter????
But I will keep you posted on how I am doing, and the kind of money I save. And now, I must have some coffee. I am sleepy (2 hours of sleep) but have much to do! Have a blessed day! OXOXOXOX
Sometimes, changes are a good thing!!!
5 months ago